Tell me, please. 英语作文 13 Jim likes Zhejiang food because its delicious. He cant stand Sichuan food because its very hot(辣). He likes Guangdong food. He doesnt mind优秀英语作文范文12篇 【导语】英语作⽂是对学⽣综合能⼒考核最彻底的⼀类题型,对单词的掌握、对语法的熟悉程度、谴词造句的能⼒都在写作⽂的⽔平中体现的⼀览⽆余。为⼤家英语作文 1 Spring is tht best season of the year. The weather gets warmer and warmer. My clas iamates and I took a one-day sightseeing around our cit英语作文 篇17 Every time,when the sun shining brightly,I know summer is coming.Though it is very hot,I still prefer summer.In hot summer,I like lyi英语作文 1 Not only is summer a hot season but also diseases are apt to happen. To us it is neither comfortable nor safe.If we do not wish to get sick, we must pay atten英语作文 1 My winter holiday is very dull. I stay at home for most of time. sometimes i visit my friends and play basketball with them. sometimes we go shopping. one da【篇一】英语作文优秀范文 Before I was five years old, my parents gave me what I wanted, but as I became bigger, they changed their attitude towards me. My parents no lon英语作文 1 The usage of Internet becomes one of the most controversial topics in the society. As a college student I believe Internet is beneficial to me more than the